Overall, Isaiah is doing really well, in light of what he's facing. He's asking a lot about when "this is going to be over." He desperately wants to play little league this Spring. And he's really missing his sister. But his attitude is phenomenal. He's just getting through it.
We're grateful for the hundreds of cards, dozens of meals, and countless prayers for strength and healing. We are literally surrounded by people who are committed to helping us through this journey, which, in itself, is an amazing blessing.
On Monday we're back to fasting, a spinal tap, etc. etc. to kick-off the long 5th phase of treatment: maintenance. We've got a long way to go, but for the last six months we've been focusing on just making it to this point. Thanks for sharing our journey and cheering-on our sweet son. Please stay with us!
Isaiah's blood counts were high enough for us to be able to join my sisters and folks for a delicious Thanksgiving meal on Friday. Isaiah got to shoot Uncle Mike's paint ball gun and enjoyed - as always - playing with his cousins.
The Apostle John says it so beautifully: "Out of His fullness we all have received grace upon grace."
It has been by and through the grace of God that each of you have been able to continue on. Isaiah, you continue to be a blessing for us all. We love you without knowing you, and we have confidence that God will continue what He has started.
I am going to pray that you get to swing that bat this spring! God bless you Oates family!
Bob Sweat
Wow... you and your dad sure know how to do a "boys day" (that's what my boys call those kind of days). I'm very thankful that you were able to celebrate Thanksgiving in ways that please your little heart! :0)
We will also be praying a LOT about you being able to play baseball in the spring. Luke LOVES baseball... that's his sport! When you're feeling up to it, we can even get together and he'll show ya' some "moves", okay? We know how important it is for you to be able to do all the things that a young boy wants (and sometimes even NEEDS) to do, so that will be a HUGE focal point in the prayers we lift up for you, Isaiah. We love you and we are so VERY thankful for you and for your precious family.
We love you Isaiah! It was so fun having you at our house for Thanksgiving. Any time you want to come shoot something, just come on over. :)
Love Kait, Mike, Josiah and girls
I am glad to hear you had a good holiday despite not being together as a family. God is continually good. I loved baseball growing up and I hope Isaiah gets to play this Spring. God Bless you all - Scott Ritter
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