Sunday, December 13, 2009

dedication day

Matthias had a great party today after church. Lots of smiles between naps.


Annelies said...

Congrats dear family....and may God continue to bless your holiday season and the year to come.
I have to smile just looking at the pictures of your two boys with identical grins. Oh what a joyous Christmas you will have.
Know that we ALL hold you in our hearts and continue to pray for health and peace in your lives. XXX Anne

Cody Marie Bolton said...

So adorable!! Awesome dedication yesterday, I was SO GLAD to be able to see it! :)

molly lilja said...

adorable! sorry i missed it.

Cyn said...

Sounds like a beautiful day! He's gorgeous and what a smile!! The kids all look so happy-what a wonderful thing!

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