Tuesday, October 23, 2007

no more curls

People have always said we have the same hair.

Tomorrow (Thursday) we go in for a scheduled hospital stay. We'll be fasting, spinal tapping, etc. etc. unless, of course, his blood counts are too low to move forward. Much peace to you all. We'll keep you posted.

Jacob demonstrated strong support for his friend Isaiah.


www.sixhennings.com said...

Wow Isaiah-I think you look even tougher! I love you and am as always proud of your super strength!
Your very proud godmother

Amber said...

How sweet! Isaiah, you have a pretty awesome family and support system! You are in our prayers, especially this weekend. Keep up your strength and know that God is right beside you!
Amber Bobst and her 2nd grade class

Anonymous said...


mollyllilja said...

You look great Isaiah! You look like you are feeling pretty good too! I hope so! We are praying for you.
the Liljas

Taria M. said...

I'm so proud of you, Isaiah! I especially like your new hair cut. :) Stay strong... know that God is beside you and so many people are praying for you! With lots of love and hugs,


Tami said...


We are praying for you during this hospital stay. We're praying that your body is the strongest it can be and that you are able to be as BRAVE as you always are!
I have to say... your smile is even brighter now with that new "do" you have! You also look even more like your daddy... how cool is that? :0)

We love you all,


Niamh McCreary said...

Wow what coooool dudes...and so super strong too :) Hope your hospital stay is peaceful and pain free.


The McCrearys

Sandie Haskins said...

Hi Isaiah,

You and your dad look so cool with your new look! I was thinkin' that it is very Mace Windu-ish!
I just got costumes for Kendrick and Kyler. Kendrick is going to be an alien named Commander Cram and Kyler is going to be a space invader named Blufinity!
We love you and are praying for you all as you stay in the hospital. Give our love to Hazel and Millie, the hospital dogs, if you see them!

Sandie- TGK's mom

Alaina said...

Isaiah - I think that is just about the greatest picture i have ever seen! You guys look great!!! Hugs to you and your whole family! I am praying!!!