Wednesday, September 9, 2009

any day...


Sabrina Nisan said...

I had no idea Isaiah and Sienna were expecting a new little sibling. Congrats to Mommy and Daddy and the kids! You all look so beautiful and so excited for the little one. =)

Anonymous said...

What an amazing picture! I can see the smile of your new little one already...on your faces. What a lucky kid! Love, Madge :)

Cyn said...

That is a beautiful picture and I'm so glad you captured it! Everyone looks great and ready to tackle this new adventure!

Megan said...

That is a beautiful picture of all of you. Steven and I are excited for you guys! We can not wait to see pictures :o)

Annelies said...

Lovely....just lovely. Thanks Carmen for your sweet message. Jim played it for me and it very much touched my heart. Know that we love and pray for you, your little one to come and for the whole family!!! I will always hold close to my heart that YOU were the first one I shared my special news with. What a lucky little baby to be a part of such a sweet family. Hugs and much love, Anne

Cody Marie Bolton said...

So adorable! Cograts to the family and the new arrival!! God Bless you all! (Yay for Superman and still feeling strong!!)