Sunday, March 29, 2009

isaiah hits

Isaiah is having a great start to his second baseball season.  He's racked up 6 hits in the last two games.  Good friends, the Hennings, shot these pictures at Thursday night's game.


Cyn said...

Yeah! Thanks for posting the schedule. We'll try to catch one before it gets too hot!

I have been reading while my hands are busy and then I forget to come back and comment, but rest assured, you are all in my thoughts and I hope the coughing has gotten better!

Cyn said...

Couldn't get the announcement to load here, but checked it out on Youtube- WOW! HOW DANG EXCITING!!!!
You know that's my birthday!
Hoe Carmen is feeling well. Let me know if there's anything I can do over the next 6 months!!!