Saturday, January 10, 2009

way, way up

I'm really sorry I didn't update this sooner.  I had actually started a couple days ago but got distracted.  We got good news Wednesday: Isaiah's counts have soared to 1900 from 300 just one week ago.   We celebrated by going immediately to a big public pizza place with a big group of people!  He's been able to play with cousins the last couple days and is excited to go to Emmaus tomorrow.  I asked him why he was excited.  He replied, "I've missed a lot of Sundays, Dad!"


Cyn said...

Wow! That's a huge jump in numbers! Such fantastic news! Have a great Sunday and enjoy being out and about!

sarah hornacek said...

yay! we are so excited to hear such wonderful news!

Amber said...

Praise God! Have fun at church tomorrow, Isaiah!!! Look for package coming your way in the mail in the next few days! Love you guys!

little peeps said...

Makes me teary. Love the 'Daisy' pics. Next time we're up with Mike, Maicee will bring her bb gun too and you guys can have a shoot-out! Love you guys

Anonymous said...

So good to hear your counts went up so much and that you were able to get out and celebrate!! I loved seeing you at church. 100% Happy!! :) Love you, Rebecca

Cody Marie Bolton said...

Whoo! Way to go Superman!

Happy New Year!

Cody Marie Bolton

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Isaiah, I'm glad to hear the good news. I bet you're happy you can hang out with your friends and youthful compatriots.

Happy New Year!

Love Michelle