Friday, May 1, 2009

hey it's good to be back home again

Nothing like a John Denver quote to make you feel better...

We got home Thursday night.  Isaiah feels great.  The kid is so strong.  We were struggling to redirect him yesterday when he took-off running down the street.  "I want to run!" he yelled over his shoulder.  

Here are some phone-pics from our stay at Club Sutter.


Aaron said...

It was neat to run into you guys at Sutter yesterday! Sorry I missed Nate and could not stay and chat for a few minutes, but it looks like you guys were ready to get home.

I did not know that Isaiah had been ill, but I am glad to see he is doing ok.

Also, I forgot to say congratulations on the upcoming baby!

Hopefully I will see you guys again before too long and have a little more time to talk!

God Bless.

Auntie Angie said...

Hey Isaiah! Isabella is with me right now at my house and would like to send a message. Here it is;; How are you feeling? Grandma says that we are going to try to find the perfect NERF gun for you! Hope to see you soon, grandma said that I will probably go next saturday with her, to see you at your house. ok, bye! Isabella =)

Anonymous said...

Glad that you are all back home - hopefully you can rest up - Scott Ritter~~